On Tue, 2008-12-16 at 10:35 -0500, bitwibiff wrote:
>    I've also noticed the c310's ceiling is apparently excessive in the  
> pre-release, with the rpm' ed version of fgfs it seemed more realistic,
> topping out at ~ 13,000 ft.
>   If there's any more information I can supply I'll happily try.  Thanks  
> for an awesome FS.

Gives a service ceiling of 6,035m (19,800ft)

Gives 19,750 ft for the model with the same engines we simulate

Our model loads in at 4120 lbs.  The airliners.net reference gives a max
take-off weight of 4830 lbs, so it wouldn't surprise me to see this
moderately loaded model exceed the published service ceiling.

Sorry I can't offer any hints on your sound problem.


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