The last time we revamped the web site, we had someone put together a
demonstration page of the new layout for others to review.  We decided we
liked it and decided it was worth moving forward, so that person then
proceeded to convert the entire site to the new layout.  It was a lot of
work, but it was also big step forward over what we had before.

Best regards,


On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 4:53 AM, Jari Häkkinen wrote:

> I too think that needs to be revamped.
> As a returning user to fg I'd say that the presentation of the project
> is poor but the software is great. However, it takes some time to
> realize the fact that fg actually is usable ... it may be due to the
> fact that I use a mac and other OSes have less issues before they get
> started. The thing is that I think that many non-programming potential
> users gets scared off because the very confusing collection on
> information on (I include the wiki in this statement).
> However, following the information flow around fg makes me realize that
> the software is not intended for general use and I do not think the
> primary goal is to attract a lot of users. I recall that someone
> actually pointed this fact out in one of the mailing lists a few months
> back.
> One major issue is that some posts in the mailing lists becomes a flame
> war as soon as someone of the major (most important?) contributors
> doesn't like what they read. So as a almost non-contributor I decided to
> contribute in flaming. In this specific case I think Curt should simply
> say: "Get lost, I am running the web page, if you don't
> like it too bad go somewhere else" because it seems to the way he feels.
> Those of us who have issues with such a statement should go somewhere
> else and create another competing web site that is open for more
> collaborative efforts. An example is but it
> is hidden and is not really a good example of where to go for ideas for
> an improved Another example is the mac specific web site
> and before this thread I could not
> understand why it existed.
> I'd like to point out that I really do not want to see a split but it is
> frustrating to see people like Heiko who expresses ideas of how to move
> the flightgear project forward gets ignored. I'd even like to see the
> mac specific site integrated into one common I'd like to
> see information on how to contribute to the project. I'd like to see
> accessible tools for creating scenery and airports. I'd like too see
> more contributors to docs, web pages, code. I'd like to see a new
> mission statement for fligthgear emphasising on end-user experience.
> However, I do not expect to see much of the above in the near future.
> Why not follow Linus Torvalds
> ( example of delegating
> tasks and at the same time keep some control?
> And I do understand, in an open-source project each contributor chooses
> what to work with but project management should encourage work on
> neglected and less sexy task in the project. Project management should
> also outline development paths and make decisions. At some time point
> projects become larger that single project members, I think fligthgear
> is close to that point. Flightgear simply has the potential to become
> too successful for its current structure. Are the fligthgear project
> managers up for the task taking the project one step further?
> To conclude, open up the maintenance and development of the
> web site to more users/developers. And, the rest will
> follow because you (Curt) might realize that it is actually really nice
> to see someone else do the job you were supposed to do.
> Cheers,
> Jari
> - returning to the task of getting the latest CVS committed Atlas to run
>  on his mac
> Heiko Schulz wrote:
> > Lol...
> >
> >> That's actually a really cool picture!  The reflection of the modern jet
> in the windows in the background.
> >
> > It wasn't my intention just to show a nice pic- I wanted you to just
> explain, why I'm so strong in convincing you that there are better ways to
> present the OpenSource FlightGear Project!
> > The Ju52 was a great aircraft, safe in flying, possible to use as
> passenger aircraft and cargo aircraft, robuste, strong. It was the main
> aircraft for Lufthansa and it even flew from germany to china once a time.
> > But time went one, and there came better aircrafts, which replaced the
> Ju52. Today it is the B737 which is the main aircraft for Lufthansa- and
> will be also replaced in the next years. Guess why....
> > Our current presentation on the web was good for a long time- but I think
> there are no better possibilities available. That's all. On the pic in front
> you could also try to see current in the background a
> possible new
> > But I feel, that there is nothing that could convince you- so I give up
> now. You won!
> >
> >
> > HHS
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
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