On Thursday 10 Sep 2009, Csaba Halász wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Randall Green 
<randall.gr...@wright.edu> wrote:
> > These are the instructions for checking out CVS OSG that are
> > given:
> >
> > cvs
> > -d:pserver:anonym...@openscenegraph.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroo
> >t/openscenegraph login
> >
> > cvs -z3
> > -d:pserver:anonym...@openscenegraph.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroo
> >t/openscenegraph co -P modulename
> >
> > What is the modulename? I tried different things but nothing
> > works.
> OSG has moved to SVN. Use this command:
> svn co http://www.openscenegraph.org/svn/osg/OpenSceneGraph/trunk
> OpenSceneGraph
> Note: it would have taken just a minute to go to the OSG web site
> and find this information for yourself.

I think your 'note' is a little unfair: we should not provide 
instructions that don't work and then tell people who try to follow 
those instructions that they should have figured out the correct 
instructions for themselves.


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