Before you guys have a knee-jerk response that poisons the atmosphere you
need to take a deep breath, re-read the statement from FlightProSim, and
make some constructive remarks - and it might not hurt to re-read the
license under which we operate.


First, the most recent email from FlightProSim states: "as we can not code
in house hopefully our contribution of money will help the project."


Second, I'm sure a lot of open source projects would love to have this kind
of support.


I think it's an idea to be appreciated - don't make it more complicated than
it is. It might be a way to appreciate your fellow developers, as well.
There are obviously some details to work out, but surely those are minor
issues compared to creating FlightGear in the first place, no?






From: ArthurX [] 
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:40 AM
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] October $250 Flight Gear Developers


I totally agree with Peter Clemenko,
that it would be an error to accept any money from FPS.
It is not an fair sponsor and the way the money will be divided will
more create a divide between the developers than
build it into a team of freely cooperating people.

Greetings Arthur

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Peter Clemenko <> wrote:

With all due respect FPS, it would be better off if you were to submit any
modified code you make back INTO FGFS. adhering to the GPL V2. and for the
FG devs, if FG is under the v3, ether switch it to LGPL or the v2, as that
way you have some control over your code. I really personally don't like the
idea at all of selling FGFS as 99 no 69 no 49 dollars, as it feels to me
like profiteering, especially when you won't specify in on your site exactly
what you have changed other than changing the wrapper.


If you want to regain any respect from people like me, specify EXACTLY what
you have changed, and submit any changes you have made (except for the
rebranding of course) back in to the FGFS CVS. 

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