> Hi,
> To answer Jon S. Berndt here I like the idea of a competetion and I'm
> sure everyone else here too. Even there is only a TShirt to win...
> But I don't like when this competetion is made by a man who apparently
> try earn money with others work! If he would just say hey, this is
> Flightgear and I did some improvements- but he renamed it, and nothing
> on the named Homepage makes clear what's really inside.

This has been mentioned several times, but if you look on the main page of
their web site, there is this:

"This is a commercial adaption of the world renown flight Gear project.
Further information available in our Developers Area"

> I wonder what would happen if I take JSBSim, rename it to HHSim, sell
> this and count me to the "HHSim-Developer-Team" using pics stolen from
> other user....How would the JSBSim-developers react?

Trust me, I was the first one to write to this guy personally and ask him
the same questions. I pointed out that if one is selling a commercial
product, that company names ("Boeing", in particular, but the others too)
could not be used; that copyrighted pictures from the FlightGear web site
could not be used, and that it was in very poor taste not to mention that
this was FlightGear and mention those who worked so hard to put this

There's also nothing stopping anyone from making a web page (or mentioning
on the FlightGear main page) that some people are selling what you can
download for free right there at flightgear.org.  There's also nothing
stopping the FlightGear team from packaging up a commercial package and
selling it, is there?

The question is, is FlightProSim a legal product? I suspect it is. I do
think that FlightProSim is a bit slimy, though. I would rather see someone
come out and say plainly up front that the product IS FlightGear, and that
it CAN be downloaded from [URL], but that they have added value in some way
and packaged it for the masses, then offering it at a fair cost and donating
some of it to help defray the costs of the FlightGear web site (or some
other charity, in the same spirit that FlightGear developers have donated
their time for so long).

Wishful thinking ....


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