On 8 Oct 2009, at 15:17, Curtis Olson wrote:

> Are there instructions for the new route mgr?  The new version in  
> CVS doesn't not work like before.  I added two waypoints, but it  
> just flies a hdg of 0 and doesn't track to the next waypoint any  
> more ... ???


Is the current instructions, feedback is welcomed.

The key thing you are probably missing is the 'activation' step, and  
specifying departure and destination airports. It's a couple more  
steps than previously - though I do what I can to initialise the  
values based on current location.

In the future I'd like to make more fields mandatory - activation will  
then also be equivalent with filing a flight plan with the ATC system,  
whether in the form of AI, or automatically submitting your plan to a  
human MP controller (who would no doubt be very happy to receive your  
intentions...). However I realise there is an accuracy / patience  
trade-off here, since many people don't want to enter an alternate  
airport or cruise speed.

There are some other ways the UX could work, depending on your  
requirements - for example I could change the code not to require a  
departure airport, and instead define wp0 as the current location in  
that case - and I could remove the requirement to have a destination  
at all. At that point the only different as compared to the previous  
UX would be the 'activate' step. In terms of IFR flight planning,  
though, the closer the dialog resembles an IFR paper plan. the happier  
I would be.


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