On 8 Oct 2009, at 16:35, Curtis Olson wrote:

> Ok, I started up in the alphajet for instance at KLAX (7L).  I  
> pulled up the new route manager dialog and it suggested CL02 H1 as  
> the starting location.  I set that to KLAX-7L for the start and  
> typed in KPHX for the destination, KSLC for the alternate, cruising  
> speed of 350kts, cruising altitude of 18,500.
> I then clicked Activate and it still inserted CL02-H1 for the first  
> waypoint and that's it.  I removed CL02 and clicked activate again,  
> and this time it put KLAX-07 for the first way point and then put  
> KPHX in twice.  So I manually manipulated the list so it contained  
> only one waypoint ... KPHX.  Ok!

This is a straight bug, I'll look into it. If you are sitting at KLAX  
7L, it's supposed to load up that airport and runway automatically.

> So now the HUD read hdg=0.0 which means the autopilot is configured  
> to fly a straight heading of 0 degrees north.

I suspect the HUD functionality is confused, I was unaware it even  
existed, again I'll take a look tonight.

> What used to happen is the route manager would compute the heading  
> to the target waypoint, and configure the autopilot to fly that  
> heading.  This part apparently doesn't happen any more .. at least  
> not with the alphajet?
> I like the realism of the new system (assuming the glitches are  
> ironed out).
> But the old system was designed to be simple and quick and  
> ubiquitous ... it was available and worked for all aircraft assuming  
> they had a reasonably tuned autopilot config and the aircraft author  
> didn't go out of their way to disable it.   The old system took 1  
> second to punch in a way point, and then the autopilot instantly  
> took over and you were flying there.  You could use "F6" to toggle  
> the heading hold on and off. Not a *realistic* system, but very  
> convenient for some types of testing (or cheating).  Is it possible  
> to keep the old simple/easy system available and make the new route  
> manager a new separate system?

There's a various things here - as the Wiki page notes, the key one is  
that the route manager *was* a sort of generic GPS thing that talked  
to the autopilot directly. That's a wretched setup which has caused  
all manner of horrible code in the aircraft that do want to model a  
real GPS or FMS device.

For the quick things you want to do, your best choice is actually the  
new GPS code - search for a waypoint (of any kind) and hit 'DTO', and  
it'll do most of the rest. The catch is that the 'gps-slave' feature  
of navradio is currently abused, so just driving the CDI/HSI via the  
'gps-slaved' toggle doesn't always work. Aircraft that have a 'real'  
GPS are generally working around the broken-ness in Nasal (eg,  

So, if you're in an aircraft that has the GPS instrument, and has a  
panel switching to select the NAV/GPS toggle, *and* I fix the  
implementation of the toggle, that will be a good solution. Of course,  
in that case, the route manager also works, because the GPS will talk  
to it seamlessly!

What I could do, is expand the 'no-FMS/GPS' code in the route-manager,  
which, as you noted, is essentially an unrealistic feature, to drive  
some outputs for the autopilot. My main concern is to avoid  
complicating life for panel/aircraft developers who want to build the  
realistic solution, though.

What I'd prefer, though, is to make the new GPS a default instrument,  
and fix the gps-nav-radio slave, so that it works in any aircraft.  
Then you can use the GPS for all the quick functions, and the route- 
manager can be for more realistic flight planning. As far as I can  
see, executing a DTO in a GPS is as quick as you need, but entirely  


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