On 02/15/2010 03:19 AM, Tim Moore in part wrote:

> readline() is pretty gross;

The best way to remove the grossness is to extirpate
readline and replace it with something that has a 
nicer interface ... such as returning a std::string.

I wrote a getline function to do this.  Much cleaner.
No need for 16kbyte buffers all over the place.  (*)

The patch can be found in the usual place:

Over on the FG side, this requires some minor upgrades:

I tried asking for suggestions and/or review off-list, 
but it appears that mail to timoor...@gmail.com never 
goes through.  Is it a list-mail address only?

*) Note: Also, I have dreams of implementing a non-blocking
version of this some day ... something that would have been
a nightmare given the readline-style interface.

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