I temporarily moved my .fgfsrc file and .fgfs/ directory to see what a
new user sees on first startup, and I think what's there is not the
best idea (unless there's still some local configuration that I'm

1. it's normal to have a plane sitting on the runway threshold with
the engine idling
2. it's normal to have a plane sitting in a parking spot on the apron
with the engine off
3. it's *not* normal to have a plane sitting on the runway threshold
with the engine off

Except in the case of an accident or mechanical failure, you would
*never* be sitting on the threshold with your engine off, especially
at a big airport like KSFO (unless you wanted to give your plane and
yourself a 747-sized colon exam).  I think that  option #1 is ideal
for new users, but option #2 would be OK if we want to distinguish
ourselves from MSFS by making things more difficult.

So, in brief, we have to make a choice: either move the default
starting position off the runway, or (preferably) start on the runway
threshold with the C-172 engine already idling.

All the best,


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