On Apr 6, 2010, at 7:06 PM, James Turner wrote:

> On 6 Apr 2010, at 20:35, Martin Spott wrote:
>>> Except in the case of an accident or mechanical failure, you would
>>> *never* be sitting on the threshold with your engine off, especially
>>> at a big airport like KSFO (unless you wanted to give your plane and
>>> yourself a 747-sized colon exam).  I think that  option #1 is ideal
>>> for new users, but option #2 would be OK if we want to distinguish
>>> ourselves from MSFS by making things more difficult.
>> Indeed, a valid point !
> I've started creating some properties under /sim/realism (mostly booleans for 
> the moment), with the expectation that at some point we can create a GUI, and 
> also use some Nasal to batch-configure the individual settings for different 
> applications - flight trainer, game mode, kiosk, etc, etc. I'd be happy to 
> add a /sim/realism/start-parked and /sim/realism/start-dark (though the 
> latter involves aircraft designer help to hook the optional autostart 
> functions of each aircraft).
> My concern is touching the dreaded position init code, which is already 
> baroque and complex. There's also the question of guessing a parking position 
> when we don't have parking stand data - eg picking a point some distance away 
> from the runway centerline (runway width * 5, maybe?), level with the 
> threshold - but like all heuristics, this one has problems.
> Regards,
> James

In terms of simplicity, I would like to offer a suggestion of using one (or 
more) of the parking positions at airports with (current) parking positions.  
If the user spawns at an airport without any preset parking positions, a 
position of  :: 90 degrees to the runway and nose at runway edge ::  should 
work for _most_ airports, until that airport is improved and gets a parking 

James suggestion of a multiplier can work, but I would suggest no more then 
(width*1) from the runway.  Too many small airports would drop you in the woods 
at a greater multiplier.


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