On Sun, 2010-12-12 at 10:07 +0000, Vivian Meazza wrote:

> A long time ago I had a very nice and realistic Doppler effect on the Merlin
> engine. I haven't been able to recreate this after recent sound engine
> updates. Might be something wrong with the OpenAL setup here, but I would
> very much like it back again. 
> I would certainly support an overhaul of the sound engine, at least to
> establish where it is going wrong. Perhaps it can't be improved, but I'd
> like to know that too.

Doppler has always been a problem since most implementations of OpenAL
are bad. Creative based implementations (like OpenAL-Soft) are the
worst. The previous implementation tried to prevent this by trying to
generate the Doppler effect ourselves but with little luck in most
cases. I've added a few exceptions in the current implementation trying
to get it right this time but I might need to rethink the way it is
handled since the list of exceptions tend to grow.

Could you give me the output of fgfs --show-sound-devices


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