> I'm sorry if reality offends your delicate sensibilities.

May I remind you of this quote here:
>They're just a bunch of bloviating windbags with nothing better to do >but run 
>in circles, 

If that is your style it does not deserve more comments.

> > You can´t just walk through your neighbors garden just because he is
> not 
> > at home, won´t see it and won´t complain about it.
> >
> Nice strawman.  Physical tresspass != trademark infringment.

So your sense for legal and illegal depends ? Illegal trespassing is not ok but 
copyright infringement (by intention) is?

For what it´s worth, trademark infringements are often higher punished than 
illegal trespassing. Depending on the value of the item in question, starting 
by a few thousands.

> I've never seen a link to a legal document that has shown RedBull to be 
> actively engaging any entity or group over the use of their trademark 
> logo in any open source project.  Put up or shut up.  Simple as that.

RB is against *any* unauthorized usage. RB *has* denied usage on various RC 
models (as Heiko and myself stated, links in German upon request) and just that 
they have not sued FG or a contact person yet does not mean they will not in 
the future.
Because they have every single right to do so and we don´t have any right to 
include RB trademarks into FlightGear GIT.

> Until RedBull says in very clear language, "Hey FlightGear!  We need you 
> to remove all images that contain our trademark from your scenery & 
> aircraft databases!" you need to stop getting your undies in a twist.

Once again: Wrong direction. It is your/my/our responsibility to ensure 
legality. In case of RB we know that we are currently in an illegal state.

> > This is btw. another stupid effect of FlightProSim selling FlightGear- 
> > this makes it even worse and increases chances that FG will appear on 
> > RBs radar one day.
> >
> This doesn't have a damn thing to do with that and you know it.  
>I'd LOVE RedBull to chase after FPS!

The following would happen: RB says "hey they are selling our logo in that FPS 
thing" and address FPS. FPS will tell them something about GPL and point 
directly to FlightGear. There you are on the radar.
The fact that FPS is commercially selling derivates of FG is pretty critical.

> Understand this - no company is going to go to the time and expenditure of
> a lawsuit of any kind when they know full well a simple letter will 
> accomplish the same task.  

Sueing is not the first step today. The first step always is a declaration of 
discontinuance with an immediate penalty clause. Lawyers love those as it is 
pretty few effort and high benefit for them.


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