On Thu, 17 Feb 2011 18:00:37 +0100, Oliver wrote in message 

> >I'd LOVE RedBull to chase after FPS!
> The following would happen: RB says "hey they are selling our logo in
> that FPS thing" and address FPS. FPS will tell them something about
> GPL and point directly to FlightGear. There you are on the radar. The
> fact that FPS is commercially selling derivates of FG is pretty
> critical.
> > Understand this - no company is going to go to the time and
> > expenditure of a lawsuit of any kind when they know full well a
> > simple letter will accomplish the same task.  

..riiight, tell IBM, Autozone, Chrysler, Novell and Red Hat. ;o)

> Sueing is not the first step today. The first step always is a
> declaration of discontinuance with an immediate penalty clause.

..that's the first step, the next is allege "There was no response!" 
and support their allegation with volumes of paper work to someone
who restricts his response to verbose 4-letter language and fails 
to hire an attorney to put said language on paper and properly file
it with the relevant court, which isn't neccessarily the same as 
the one the prospective plaintiff would like to use to pin us down.

..our problem is, we _have_ to respond properly, or, 
watch the bad guys screw us by default. 

> Lawyers love those as it is pretty few effort and high benefit for
> them.


..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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