

I put some comments in-line.




-----Original Message-----
From: Hal V. Engel [mailto:hven...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 11 June 2011 02:03
To: flightgear-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] SCR-522 (was Rating
SystemRedux(wasRe:Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 61, Issue 12))


On Friday, June 10, 2011 08:16:52 AM Vivian Meazza wrote:

> Hal,


> I've completed the T/R/REM lock, and the day/night mask - this might be

> different to your interpretation of a "dimmer" - AFAIKS its just a plate

> with big/small holes which is slid across the lamps. That required a bit

> modification of the existing model here:




I didn't find too much to go on with the day/night mask/dimmer in the docs I

had before. From reading the section about this in the radio manual (page

it appears that this was probably not infinitely adjustable and that having

large hole and a small hole fits the description in the manual better

as you wrote, this is a matter of interpretation since the manual is not
explicit about this.


On closer reading of p24 and on looking at the diagram on p9 of the manual,
it seems possible that the dimmer mask only covered the Channel indicator
lamps, and not the T/R/REM. light. 


> All is now pushed into Git. I could add the dialog etc. to the P51D if you

> would like.


The model is very close now. I have improved the textures as well (the box

cover plates now have a crinkle finish). I still need to add the fittings on

the bottom but these are a fairly simple cubes, cylinders and spheres type

things (IE. very east to model) and I should have that done in the next day
or two. 


I have adapted your top and light mask to the model so the new version
should work for you as well without many changes to your code. This also
reduces the number of vertices/edges so the model is a little smaller than
it was. 


Also the cover plates were interchangeable according to the manual. One of
these plates has the placards and the other has mounting holes and depending
on the installation these covers were interchanged so that the one without
placards could be attached to the mounting surface/bracket in the aircraft.
It appears that your installation has it mounted with what is the mounting
cover visible in the cockpit which is not correct. I have put the placards
on both side covers so that it can be mounted either way with the placards
still visible. This works fine in the P-51D and it should work in your Spit
as well.


Don't bother with implementing this in the P-51D since I can look at (and 

steal - is that OK?) your code. I had a look at your stuff and it did not
appear to be a big deal to port this to the SCR-522 and the P-51D. I will
try to generalize this so that it can be used by any aircraft since it could
be useful to those working on other WWII aircraft like the P-47, P-38, P-39,
P-40, Corsair, F6F, B-17 and perhaps a dozen others.


Please take anything you want. Did you notice that the binding for F12 was
changed to bring up the new menu? I would really like to use the new dialog
in the same way as the default one rather than in the aircraft-specific
menu, but right now can't figure out how to do that.


I think we might end up with 2 near-identical entries in
Aircraft/Instruments-3d. I suppose that's OK, since UK aircraft would expect
the TR1133, and the US the SCR-522. Hmm, what was it known as in RAF P51s?


> I'm looking forward to the updated models - I think you did an outstanding

> job just working from photos. I don't know yet if the TR1133 had a single

> box containing the transmitter and receiver, or 2 boxes. In any case, I

> think the SCR-522 was also fitted to UK aircraft, at least later in WW2 -

> after all that was the purpose of the contract.


The radios in US and Britsh aircraft were standardized very early in the 

war. There was lots of cooperation between the US and the UK particularly on

electronics (communication radios and radar) and this started before the US 

was officially at war. Reading the history on these VHF radios it appears

the initial prototypes where Britsh and that these were improved and made

production items by companies in the US primarily Bendix.


The BC-602-A control box appears to have been used for all 4 channel VHF 

radios through out the war (and into the Korean war at least in the P-51D's)
and it was basically unchanged from what it looked like as a prototype. 


I now discover that the boxes were the same - only the internals differed.
However, I haven't yet discovered where the boxes were fitted.


> This is a nice photo of the cockpit control:


> http://spitfiresite.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/02es09_020.jpg


There is at least one difference from the drawings in the manual. The raised

part of the top that goes over the lights is stamped into the top cover. The

drawings show this as a seperate piece that is rivited to the top cover. So 

there appears to have been some minor cosmetic changes to these during thier

production life.


I think that one might be a modern reproduction - it's all very shiny and


Also here is an ebay auction for a BC-602-A that shows more detail as it
shows three sides of the unit.





The one in this auction has a serial number of 8840 so this can't be a late 

war unit since these had to have been produced in the tens if not hundreds

thousands (after all it would have taken over 10,000 of these just to equip 

P-51s and these were used in every plane the US and UK put in the air many
of these produced in >10,000 quantities) so it looks like the rivets on the
top cover were only on very early examples.


Looks like the our channel select buttons could do with a bit more detailing
- from this and other photos, it looks as if they had a raised rim. I see
that there is an "R" under the T/R/REM. key - that is missing from the
existing texture.




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