
> >> Is this built-in function:
> >>
> >> svn_path_uri_encode()
> >>
> >> any help?
> >>
> > Yup, does the trick - no need for fancy formatting.
> >
> > I'll see if I can do a damned merge request this side of Monday.
> >
> > Vivian
> >
> >
> But isn't this a function of libsvn and we are talking about external
> svn and libsvn not present?
> I'm currently testing another fix without libsvn functions.

This is true. But using Fred's MSVC9 solution files as provided it is not
possible to switch off the libsvn stuff AFAIKS. As I said way back - we seem
to have at least 3 overlapping scenery download methods. I'm not entirely
clear on the relative merits of the internal and external svn options.

I think we also need svn_path_uri_encode() in the internal path to allow
download directories paths to have spaces.  A space in the directory path is
almost bound to happen, because the default terrasync directory is
C:/Program Files/FlightGear/terrasyncdir. 

Nevertheless, a non-libsvn solution must be good. If it can be done in
svn_path_uri_encode(), it must be doable locally.


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