Torsten wrote,

> > I also know that quoting white-space paths works well in ""
> > Windows shells. But apparently it didn't work when terrasync called the
> > "system" function to call "svn". Unfortunately I have no means to test
> > any of this on Windows.
> The following patch seem to do the trick for me, it allow whitespace in
> the command and in the local path name.
> It simply wraps the entire system() command in "" and uses backslash
> instead of forward slash for the path
> separator in the local path.
> Please check, if it works for you.


I added a few extra alerts, and got this:

svn: 'D:/terrasync' does not appear to be a URL
Failed to synchronize directory ext'Objects/w130n30/w122n37', error code= 1
sync command ext '"svn checkout -q
data/Scenery/Terrain/w130n30/w122n37 D:/terrasync

Looks to me as if the command has to include no white space, and that's it.
Perhaps we should accept it, make sure the user is aware of it, and leave it
at that. It's a pooh trap because all sorts of directories with spaces are
created automatically by Windows - "Program Files" is only one such.


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