On 5 Sep 2011, Stuart Buchanan wrote:
> .....
> One immediate question is how you see your changes being incorporated
into to latex source code?
> Producing a nice PDF is quite important for a lot of people so I
wouldn't want to lose that. 

On 5 Sep 2011, Peter Morgan wrote:
> .....
> I still like Jomo idea of a flight school very much.. starting from
> the bottom up.. from a cadet to a commander, atc et all

> Certainly though, looking toward the future and more usage.. and more
> eyes.. we should plan for that, not only in printed media.. but in
> game help of ipods of a website browsing on an olde retired FG
>  machine....

> The main issue to consider is whether is actually "a flight manual" of
> now to fly an aircaft, or the simulation ..  or both

> We'd need to make it "original" and copyrightable to every contibutor
> to make it 100% proof..

Thank you both very much for your interest and encouragement

I have to admit: I did not yet look into the current release and update
process of the "getstart". Martin Spott mentioned that "latex" system
about a year ago, but to that time I planned just a pure translation,
and thus saw that as a minor problem for me. Especially I did not see a
major dependency on a "PDF"-base for my German version. Till now I saw
that relatively "blue-eyed".

Let me just outline my "process-environment": One guy with NO budget and
no records department, using a single PC running Ubuntu, all tools are
Multiplatform, OS, no charge:
- the HTMLs are made with KompoZer, a very nice and easy WYSIWYG
- pictures are edited with GIMP
- PDFs are made by: Open the "*.html" with "LibreOffice Writer" (former
OpenOffice), convert the page-format to "Landscape" and push the
PDF-button -- and that's it.
--> see 2 examples of the output (just converted as is!):
On first sight those prints look pretty good to me. (The location/size
of some graphics could be relocated/sized already in the source! Maybe
even add header/footer or so - but all in all ??)

I agree: That is a very-very "cheap and dirty" approach - I hope you can
help me finding something more adequate - based on your experiences. I
mainly hang on the following questions:

1) I am sure that most of our customers/users today rather read/search
online in a WIKI and/or Forum - but I also see that some people still
prefer a hardcopy to study. (Is there an additional requirement for a
hardcopy for advertisement and or selling?)

2) What customers/users are we addressing? Till now I mainly address
 - the "FGFS-newbies that want to learn"
 - and the "FGFS-users that want to look up or refresh some basics"

3) Is the PDF just used for Hardcopies or also for Online-Viewing?
  - If just a Hardcopy the above primitive conversion could be tuned to
be good enough
  -- but all the extended internal and external "linking" would be lost
in the hardcopy!
  -- would we then need the old style "Index" at the end? That would be
a major effort!

  - Or do we need Softcopy PDF's to distribute for local off-line
  -- then all the links still show up correct - but look for a "html"
file - not a PDF. So that links would have to be edited. Personally I
would guess that would not be a big effort with todays "find/replace"

3a) or would it be easier to distribute the "Handbook" as html in a
subdirectory to $FG_ROOT/data/docs, instead of the now getstart.pdf? The
security/copyright problems would not change, because everybody can copy
also a central HTML via todays browsers! Those browsers even have no
problem in directly printing the HTML (If e.g. a user wants only some
parts of it printed)! Maybe (in some future) that manual could even
reside (controlled) in the GIT and thus would be a compromise to the
WIKI-process. Everybody could input at any time (in normal text) and the
responsible guy integrates that into the Manual.

Again: I have no experience in that area and look for help.

One word to "Copyright" and so. After finding out how easy it is
nowadays to just copy the HTML-source from a browser and change and sell
it - I am worried what to do against it. Right now I guess I have some
"private protection" as the "originator". But surely I would like to put
it (some day?) into the "ownership" of FlightGear. In some of the
discussions here I noticed there are quite some lawyers around - maybe
someone can advise what to do. (I hope such a document must not be
GNU/GPL like: Free!). 

And no big hurry: I still have to review (links, spelling, wording,..)!
End of the month I want to link it on may homepage - and am sure that
will not be the end of my work!

Thank You for Your interest

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