Hey Csaba,
hey Geoff,

thanks a lot for looking into this! 

> void SGPagedLOD::forceLoad(osgDB::DatabasePager *dbp, FrameStamp*
> framestamp, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???NodePath& path)
> {
> ? ? //SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "SGPagedLOD::forceLoad(" <<
> ? ? //getFileName(getNumChildren()) << ")");
> And now the crazy part! If I uncomment this logging, everything
> suddenly works, even with 20k objects:

Same here -- uncommenting this part in simgear/scene/model/SGPagedLOD.cxx
fixes the issue for me, too. 20k objects were loaded within 10 sec on my P4 
2.4 GHz, though frame rate is ~5 then...


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