On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Thorsten Renk wrote:
> Hi Stuart,
> after some testing of the new scheme, I have two minor and one major
> comment. Minor stuff first:
> * how is the cloud density slider supposed to influence the clouds
> generated by add-cloud? Heiko claims that he gets to see an effect, I
> tried to reproduce that but all that happened is that all clouds vanished
> as soon as I moved the slider, never to reappear.

The cloud density is used as a multiplier on the number of sprites that are
generated for a specific cloud instance:

int n_sprites = num_sprites * sprite_density * (0.5f + sg_random());

I've repro'd the problem where manually placed clouds disappear when
this is changed. I suspect the problem is that it is clearing all the clouds and
then causing the "global" clouds to be re-generated. I'll investigate further.

> * same thing actually with switching shaders off and on again (I sometimes
> do that to see how the scene would look in a different rendering scheme) -
> while the global weather clouds reappear, the manually added ones are gone
> never to reappear for me. Is this behaviour expected/consistent/as it
> should be?

Probably a similar problem - I'll take a look.

> Now the big thing: it seems I can't use the shading options under most
> conditions. The only thing that seems to matter is what I pass as
> middle-factor, and that determines the color of the whole cloud from top
> to bottom.

Yup - that's a bug. Should now be fixed in the shader code so that the
top/middle/bottom shade all have an effect.

> I have some idea why this might be the case: It's not clear to me how a
> vertex shader could paint a single sprite with 4 vertices consistently
> with a top, middle and bottom color. All it can do is paint the upper two
> vertices in one color, and the lower in a different color, and the rest is
> interpolation. A fragment shader could probably do it, but that's not
> where the shading code is.
> So, it seems to me that there's the implicit assumption in the scheme that
> cloud_height is at least 2-3 times sprite_height, so that there are enough
> vertices in between such that 3 colors can be achieved.

You are correct.

If you are just using a single texture for the cloud then only the top,bottom
and shade light factors are really relevant -  the middle shade is
less relevant. However, you can still use it to determine the shade if
the texture isn't exactly the same size as the cloud.

> But building clouds that way is a luxury we can't afford too often. You
> have to start all design considerations from 8/8 layers which need to run
> with decent performance, otherwise you'll never be able to do overcast.
> You can't start with a design working well for 1/8 coverage and expect
> that it will stay that way for 8/8.

LOL. What you say is absolutely correct - I must admit to having completely
forgotten this in my enthusiasm for creating greater control over the
shading. Looks like it isn't as useful as I had hoped :)

However, I hope it will allow you to create towering CBs as composite
clouds, with better control over the shade of the top/bottom of each

> I hope that's enough explanation to convince everyone that I'm not being
> mean here and just do stupid design that doesn't work with the shading,
> but that there are real issues here. I actually feel bad firing off one
> issue after the other... I am happy with the performance of the system in
> most situations otherwise.

No problem. Please keep on pointing out the bugs/issues. I've been
trying to stay
on top of them and iteratively making the cloud system more useful, but
I haven't done as much testing as I would like so it's very useful to have
these things pointed out to me.


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