Hi Stuart,

> This should now be fixed, and the clouds should be white once more.
> Thorsten R. - regarding the 3000ft altitude offset problem, can you
> check that you haven't got an altitude set for the layer itself?

Offsets as such are okay. I used to have some models with internal
coordinates (0,0) at the center of the cloud, some at the bottom, with
your rendering engine I can't specify offsets in the *.ac modelw any more,
so they go into the code. They should be just something that is measured
once and then stays.

I've just done a quick check after a pull, and it seems that the curved
layer problem is indeed gone :-) I'll have a look at offsets later today,
but if they're just different - don't worry. Thanks for the hard work.

Side remark: we now seem to have a speed limit: Whenever I exceed ~ 1600
kt with the ufo I get

callsign Previous waypoint Cruise Departure airport 0xb85b380 Leg 5
target_speed << 1004.05 speedFraction << 0.00287666 Currecnt speed << 1004
Segmentation fault

So I just have to fly very slowly.

Don't know where that is coming from...


* Thorsten

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