Not many aircraft are designed to be flown using a keyboard or a mouse either. 

The TSR2 prototype actually had a knob to allow a variable amount positive or 
negative rudder to be input from the roll taileron command.

This auto-co-ordination may well help novice simulator “gamers” and for this 
reason should be available, but perhaps not set by default.

It will negate the efforts of those who have made accurate FDM and AFCS systems.

On the subject of novices, would it be a good idea to have an idiot-startup 
button or menu, which makes everything all systems go and ready to take off?


From: Curtis Olson 
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 8:05 PM
To: FlightGear developers discussions 
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] auto-coordination

The counter argument here is that the existing "auto coordination" system is 
nothing more than one line of code that forces some rudder deflection in 
proportion to aileron deflection -- basically implementing some sort of hard 
linked manual system.  I am sure there are very few (if any?) real life 
aircraft rigged in such a way.


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