On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 15:13, Geoff McLane <ubu...@geoffair.info> wrote:
> This new attempt is in a new Windows 7 64-bits machine,
> using MSVC10... a fresh start for me...

I have this setup working on my machine; I'm building OSG-trunk
myself, and using the 3rd-party libs from the build server.

> But fgfs.exe 'crashes' after quite a few seconds,
> maybe a minutes of loading ;=(( showing
> 'loading scenery' on the flash screen, and the
> last console output is -
> Initializing Nasal Electrical System
> then POOF...

I had the same sort of problems when using the latest 3rd-party libs
from the ftp site in the MSVC readme (the MSVC9 ones worked perfectly
for me).  After replacing them with the build server's, everything
compiled & ran neatly.

I don't know if you can download them from the Win64 workspace on
Jenkins anymore, but that's where I got them--if you would like a copy
of my 3rdParty.x64 (or the OSG-trunk build), email me directly or /msg
me on irc: truthsolo

(built with MSVC 2010 v10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel)



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