Just freshly pulled and compiled GIT, fresh FGData master, trying to start with 
--enable-rembrandt results in garbage on the screen and an impressive list of 
errors - (I've omitted messages with meaning known to me in the following as 
well as repetitions). Running without Rembrandt looks fine to me on first 

Graphics card is an NVIDIA GeForce 8600M running under Linux with the nvidia 


* Thorsten

RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cd6
Warning: RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(State&) Pbuffer does not support multiple 
olor outputs.
Warning: RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(State&) Pbuffer does not support multiple 
olor outputs.
Warning: RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(State&) Pbuffer does not support multiple 
olor outputs.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26L OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26R OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KSAV 01  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KSAV 10  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'PAYA 11  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WARQ 26  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WARR 10  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'ZULS 27R OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'EDDB 07  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'EDDB 25  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KIAD 01C MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 08L MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26L MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26R MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KSAV 01  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KSAV 10  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'PAED 06  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'PAYA 11  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WADD 27  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WALL 25  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WAOO 10  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WAOP 34  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WARJ 09  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WARQ 26  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WARR 10  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WIDD 04  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WIHH 24  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KIAD 19C IM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26L IM'.
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cd6
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' at end of SceneView::draw()
Loading local weather routines...
Animated jetways ... initialized
loading scenario 'nimitz_demo'
Image "/home/fgfs/FGData/fgdata/Textures/Water/waves-ver10-nm.dds"
uses compressed textures which cannot be supported on some systems.
Please decompress this texture for improved portability.
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cd6
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' at start of State::apply()
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