
replying to multiple posts here, I'll try to collect and answer to some 

First: I totally agree that our current nav/comm radio implementation is 
far from being realistic w.r.t. propagation of the radio signal close to 
or on the ground. This should be improved.

I spent an hour or two reviewing your code and I still think your 
implementation should not be merged into the code base. Let me explain why.
- Realism
Your algorithm takes into account many factors responsible for radio 
probagation. Most of those factors are unknown in our data set and we 
have to use assumptions for their values. The less data we have and the 
more assumptions we have to use, the more unrealistic the algorithm's 
result become. My definition for realism is: Does the simulator compute 
the same value as I would expect in the same situation in real life? I 
strongly doubt the algorithm together with our limited set of data can 
provide this. In some cases, the used algorithm is plain wrong as we 
know by definition (ICAO rules) the propagation of the radio signal.

- Performance
The most important limiting factor for radio propagation on VHF and up 
is question "line of sight" or "obscured by terrain". Your approach is 
to perform terrain samples along the line between the sender and 
receiver which is expensive. My idea for the newnavradio was to traverse 
the scenegraph along the straight line between sender and receiver and 
probe for ground intersection. This is basically the functionality as 
the probe for ground elevation, which could be reused. The difference of 
performance impact is dozens or even hundrets of scenegraph traversals 
compared to just one.

- Landcover
Landcover contributes only neglible compared to terrain obscucarion to 
the loss of signal strength.

- Coding style
* You copied parts of the terrain sampler from advanced weather. Better 
reuse existing code, probably modify so it suits both usecases.
* Using long chains of if/else or switch/case makes code hard to read 
and is usually a good indication for a flaw in the software design.
* I prefer named constants instead of numbers to imporve readability.

You obviously spent a lot of time implementing the itm algorithm as a 
subsystem and I feel sorry if it is discouraging for you or other 
potential contributers that I (and I am just speaking for myself) do not 
support this contribution. My apologies for not speaking up earlier.
This implementation only adds a pseudo-realistic radio propagation 
simulation due to lack of real data at the cost of cpu intensive 
calculations and a complex new subsystem that has to be maintained over 
the time. The same pseude-realism could be achived by implementing an 
approximation for signal attenuation for line of sight and obscured 
propagation paths (probably as simple as distance-squared and 
distance-to-the-power-of-something). Neither your implementation nor my 
suggestion provides a "realistic" prediction of the radio signal 
quality, both are more or less approximations. It's the gain/pain ratio 
that differs significantly.

Please forgive my my clear words - it's not my intention to offend anybody.


Oh - one last thing:
Committing code just because somebody spent much time writing it or not 
committing would be discouraging should never be a reason to do so.

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