Stefan Seifert wrote:

> On Wednesday 27 February 2013 07:42:19 Renk Thorsten wrote:
> > * A big plus about the FSX terrain is that it doesn't have landclass
> > That makes it quite a bit nicer to look at from above. It's not so
> > impressive from close-up, and all in all, I would conclude that
> > regions where we did apply a regional texturing scheme and use the
> > best shader effects available are in fact quite competitive. In
> > particular, I think the recent 2nd generation Hawaii in FG  or
> > middle-east looks much better from close-up and is still about on par
> > when seen from a few thousand feet. Of course, FG terrain can look
> > much worse in areas where we didn't customize it.
> >
> > -> Pretty much a draw. Hiding the landclass seams better would still
> > -> be the
> > thing for FG.. it's just not so easy.
> A small addition: what has always bothered me about terrain in FG is that
> roads and rivers are all the same size. For me as a VFR pilot they are the
> important navigation helpers while in FG, they are useless. There's no
> difference between the Autobahn and a small country road. Same for the
> Danube vs. some riverlet.
> I've tried some version of MS Flightsim once with Austrian scenery and
> easily find my way around. So while we may have the prettier scenery with
> regional textures, in practice, I'd have to call it a win for FGX.

Linear features for the scenery (roads, railways, rivers) are already under
development for FG:

That is a small area of Kent, UK. It is very possible to use the accurately
placed features for VFR navigation.

There are some problems to resolve about memory usage, but it is already
possible to generate scenery with these features. However, at the current
stage of development it is pushing the memory limits of 32 bit systems. 


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