
> Sent: 07 May 2013 10:06
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] New features for 3.0 (?) presentation
> 2013/5/7 Vivian Meazza <>:
> > The tracking animation sounds useful - do you have any documentation
> > available? In due course it should end up in
> > fgdata/Docs/model-howto.html with all the other animations.
> I have now added some examples and a basic documentation to the wiki:
> I will add some more info and images once I find some time for it.

Thanks, interesting. As a non-Blender user (it makes my brain hurt) the
references are a bit obscure.

Are the various axes always orthogonal? Can they also be specified in the
alternate form:


If non-orthogonal  axes are allowed they are difficult in the
<center>/<axis> form in the example in the wiki.

Perhaps, when you have time, the information could be consolidated in and

Looks like valuable work to me: gear scissor links were very difficult with
the existing animations.


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