Hi Clement
thanks a million times for taking the initiative for that - i guess I am
one of the bigger users and promoters for FGCOM since a long time - and
waited very long for such a solution.

Just one point: Could it be possible to start 2 instances of FGCOM in
the background (just with different ports) and thus be able to switch
between those two from within FGFS? We once had an additional panel in
FGFS to switch between two instances of FGCOM (uncontrolled design
status only i believe - but it worked fine! And helps a lot if you need
to switch during start/landing between Twr/Gnd)
 (Wolfram Wagner <wolf...@wagnerw.de>) is doing that in his OpenRadar -
and it works fine.)

A second point: During our ATC-events the FGCOM always goes into a hang
after some time of usage - so we have to restart FGCOM (after somebody
tells you about the problem!). If you then use FGCOMGUI that is fine
with its "Stop"/"Start" buttons -- if you just work FGCOM that is a
bigger effort! So please: Could there be a restart-button (just in

thanks again

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