> Pushing in front your supposed to be  know how is not an argument ,
> usually  the more person' s know how is great the less they are  
> pretending  to have it.
> Please stop to pretend to be the best.

So you mean to say that actually having written all the ALS code has not in any 
way given me an understanding of what the code does, where it burns performance 
and what the bottlenecks are? That sounds like an ill-considered position to me.

> Don't tell  the FG feature can't be improved with Rembrandt by exposing
> some similar eye candy  you are getting with your ALS,

That wasn't what I was telling you at all. I was telling you that it probably 
can be done, but that it's going to be slower than either Rembrandt or ALS, so 
it won't run for you, and I asked if you still wanted to have it under these 

> Have you thought about the Rembrandt lights functions, and others  
> effects.

Yes, sure. I'm not quite as stupid as I appear - obviously they require extra 
computations and will make rendering slower than not having light functions, 
everything else being equal.

> For sure the way you have been developing has created a big gap, thus it
> would be difficult to mix both systems.

I remember writing a few times that it would _not_ technically be horribly 
difficult to port some eye candy, as for instance pixel postprocessing and 
procedural texturing happens in the fragment shader only and that my assessment 
is that it can be more or less copied. I also remembered offering to help 
anyone working on Rembrandt doing just that. There was just zero response to my 

> Anyhow the GPU CPU systems is less significant, than the programs which  
> are  developed, and the way they  are using the resources.

Given that there are users for which Rembrandt renders with a single frame per 
second, I would assume that hardware is a consideration for them.

Admittedly I am a bit tired of arguments 'You must make this faster, surely 
there must be a way.'  I would ask you to demonstrate my ignorance to me and to 
demonstrate that you can actually make the algorithm run faster. Why don't you 
sit down and get your hands dirty, find out where the rendering burns most 
performance and figure out a way to do the computations faster? Maybe you'll 
come to appreciate hands-on knowledge better then.


* Thorsten

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