matthiasm wrote:
> On 07.10.2008, at 10:13, Bill Spitzak wrote:
>> The fltk2 OSX version has had major rewrites to use Carbon correctly and
>> to stop using QuickDraw. You probably want to copy most/all of it if
>> possible.
> The urrent FLTK port for OS X should use Quartz and Cocoa exclusively 
> and abandon QuickDraw and Carbon. But that is quite a challange and will 
> require some time. In the mean time, I would like to abandon everything 
> inside #ifdef __APPLE_QD__ ...

Keep in mind that Carbon will still be required for processing events;
we can't use Cocoa because that is the Objective C API; short of
writing a custom subclass of NSView/NSWindow to manage all windows,
I'm not sure how we'd use Cocoa with FLTK...

(Yes, some Carbon bits are usable in 64-bit mode, just not any of the
Quickdraw stuff...)

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
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