Greg Ercolano wrote:
> Trying to fix up those discrepancies in Fl_Browser's docs
> where we have discrepancies like this in the "method index":
>                         ________________ no variable names in the prototype
>                        /           /
>         void insert (int, FL_BLINE *)
>         Insert a new line *t* before *line*.
>                             \___________\____ variable names in the docs
> Apparently when doxygen generates the "method index":
>       1) It takes the prototype from our .H file
>       2) The first line from the docs (or the \brief)
> So to solve this, I can either:
>       1) add variable names to the .H prototypes so they appear in the index
>       - or -
>       2) Change the docs so the first line (or \brief) doesn't mention
>          variable names.. those would only be mentioned in subsequent
>          lines of the docs.
> Seems like #1 would make the index more descriptive, showing var names
> along with the data types.
> But #2 would be easier, and would allow the .H files to be left alone,
> and would prevent the potential for varname discrepancies between the
> .cxx and .H.
> Thoughts?

I vote #1: Having argument names in the .H files makes reading and
understanding them easier, it's not only the "Doxygen effect". So
we can get both.

And IIRC that's also a point that we decided to do when we started
with doxygen: add names to prototypes (and use the same names as
in the implementation).

Another point is to use better readable names: often it is better
to use uppercase letters (e.g. L for label instead of l). This
does also avoid a problem where some compilers (or code analysis
tools?) would get problems with single letter argument names and
a method with the same name (e.g. x and method x()). I remember
that Mike did lots of such changes for 1.1.x.

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