Ok, that's a good start.  Since I don't know much about mac stuff I'll
see if I can't find documentation for quickdraw to better figure out
the appropriate modern functions.  And first get my terminology
straight... quickdraw is ancient and gone, cocoa is current but obj c,
and carbon is the C interface and is current and not deprecated,
right?  Or is it?  I can't imagine the *C interface* being

And then wrt development... I know there is some documentation but I
couldn't find any on either the documentation or faqs pages.  "Faqs"
is all cluttered up with announcements, maybe it's buried in there
somewhere.  Anyway, what's the current version for development?  1.3
nightly?  Is there a repo to check out, or do I just download the
nightly snapshot and manually send patches of that?

I see from http://fltk.org/cmp.php that "Source files shall be placed
under the control of the Subversion ("SVN") software."  But I don't
see any URLs to point SVN at.  Other projects have these in prominent
locations linked from the main page, usually from a "development"
link.  I had to click "bugs and features" -> roadmap -> configuration
management plan to find the development info I did find.

So that leads me to ask... where's the svn repo for the website itself? ;)

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 2:17 AM, Albrecht Schlosser<ajs856s...@go4more.de> wrote:
> Greg Ercolano wrote:
>>       OK, hope you all are ready for this..
>>       This is a fresh checkout of 1.3.x and default FLTK build
>>       on stock Snow Leopard 10.6 + stock Xcode tools
>>       running on an intel mac mini:
> FWIW: These are the names only, sort(ed) -u (72 in total):
> AppendResMenu
> BringToFront
> ClearMenuBar
> CollapseWindow
> ConvertEventRefToEventRecord
> CountDragItems
> CreateNewWindow
> DiffRgn
> DisposeRgn
> DisposeWindow
> DrawMenuBar
> FSpMakeFSRef
> FindWindow
> GetAvailableWindowAttributes
> GetAvailableWindowPositioningBounds
> GetDeviceList
> GetDragItemReferenceNumber
> GetDragMouse
> GetFlavorData
> GetFlavorDataSize
> GetFlavorFlags
> GetMainDevice
> GetMenuHandle
> GetMenuItemRefCon
> GetMouse
> GetNextDevice
> GetPort
> GetPortBounds
> GetQDGlobalsArrow
> GetQDGlobalsScreenBits
> GetWindowBounds
> GetWindowClass
> GetWindowEventTarget
> GetWindowPort
> GlobalToLocal
> HideWindow
> HiliteMenu
> InstallReceiveHandler
> InstallTrackingHandler
> InvalWindowRect
> InvalWindowRgn
> IsWindowActive
> IsWindowCollapsed
> KLGetCurrentKeyboardLayout
> KLGetKeyboardLayoutProperty
> KeyTranslate
> LocalToGlobal
> MacFindWindow
> MenuSelect
> MoreMasters
> MoveWindow
> NewRgn
> QDBeginCGContext
> QDEndCGContext
> RepositionWindow
> SelectWindow
> SetEventMask
> SetItemMark
> SetOrigin
> SetPort
> SetPortClipRegion
> SetRectRgn
> SetWindowActivationScope
> SetWindowBounds
> SetWindowClass
> SetWindowResizeLimits
> SetWindowTitleWithCFString
> ShowWindow
> UnionRgn
> kEventWindowDrawContent
> typeFSS
> typeLongInteger
> Albrecht
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