On 4 Nov 2011, at 15:51, David wrote:

> I was aware that the window my not redraw, but I can't really call it because 
> it will be on things like device access using lower level routines that don't 
> know anything about any UI and the device to respond may take awhile.  I know 
> I could thread, but it's all (deivce access/other things) intermixed with UI 
> stuff.  If I could do the GUI in another thread for the pop up window only 
> similar to what is done commonly in Windows, that may be acceptable, but you 
> can't do FLTK stuff in another thread or X IO error.

And you can do the flip of that either? I mean, have the GUI in the main 
thread, and have it launch the real task in a worker thread?

What we always did in the "olden days" (i.e. before threads become commonplace) 
was have the GUI and the task in separate processes, with a socket between them 
for IPC.
Pain I.T.A. to set up, but at least once you had it working you got network 
transparency thrown in for free...

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