> calling Fl::check() four times doesn't help, since there is no
> delay between the calls. Processing messages on the X server needs
> some time (and your program shouldn't depend on how much time this
> is). So no, this doesn't work.
> Calling Fl::flush() instead is not a solution, since Fl::flush()
> *only* updates the GUI (calling draw() for all widgets that need it).

I threw in an XSync(fl_display) to test but same thing, background doesn't get 
redrawn, so I presume it's because fltk hasn't sent the message to the xlib or 
server to draw those things.  So I presume fl::check() must find some dirty 
stuff that needs to be redrawn and uses xlib to send those down to the x 
server, why would timing matter once it has sent everything to the server? I 
presume it received an ack of sometype to know the data was sent?  Wouldn't the 
server just needs to update the screen? Or is it possible the xlib or x server 
input queue gets full and fl::check() finishes it up once it can receive more 

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