On 09.02.2012 10:12, MacArthur, Ian (SELEX GALILEO, UK) wrote:
>>      Mm, what's the original license?
> Only what's there already, i.e. Brian Paul saying it was in the public
> domain and Mark J. Kilgard saying he converted it to GLUT, so in that
> regard I believe we are fine.
>>      We should probably preserve it if possible.
> Yes; what I meant was that, given the original work is in the public
> domain, it would not be reasonable for us to stick a standard fltk
> header on it claiming it was copyright to the fltk project.


>>      There was some discussion of relicensing the examples,
>>      because theoretically we want people to be able to start
>>      with an example and rewrite it into a commercial app
>>      without being encumbered by the GPL/LGPL. (Example code
>>      and library code should probably be licensed differently)
>>      I think Mike came back with a recommendation for a BSD style
>>      license (?) or some such for our example progs. I think it
>>      was within the last year (2011) we discussed this stuff
>>      on one of the groups, probably fltk.dev.
> Yes, that seems like a good idea; a license that explicitly allows the
> examples (and the test code?) to be used as a basis for user works
> without triggering the GPL might be useful to allow people to get
> started on their projects.

All these licensing questions led me to the idea that we might put
it in the examples (or maybe misc) directory, since the examples are
intended to be used by developers. I don't know if all examples have
(or should have) the FLTK copyright (header).

But I see also that this particular program would be good for the test
directory (with the additional build system changes, adding a new file)
if we can decide how the licensing should be.

Personally I wouldn't mind putting it in the test directory with only
the public domain stuff (i.e. w/o the FLTK header).

+1 for test directory if licensing question is answered appropriately
+1 for examples directory otherwise

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