> On 21 Feb 2013, at 20:33, edgar wrote:
> >=20
> > I installed the packages above as mentioned.  One note according to =
> Ubuntu support: libglut3-dev has been replaced. This package has been =
> replaced by ``freeglut3-dev''. Could this be affecting the fonts?
> No, that would only affect use of GL and GLUT, not regular font =
> handling...
> > Does the build require flags before running the configure script?
> Not on a "normal" system... might need that if your set up is odd in =
> some way, but any stock distro would be fine as is.
> > So fltk runs and I can compile the programs but unfortunately it still =
> does not change the labelsize or labelfont. Do I need to include extra =
> libraries in the compiler statement?
> Yes, from what you have, I'd say you are missing a good few things...
> >  Here is how I am compiling:
> >=20
> > g++ -Wall hellofltk.cxx -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -o =
> hellofltk -lfltk lXext -lX11 -lm
> OK, first off, you need to read up on fltk-config, there's a HowTo here:
> http://www.fltk.org/articles.php?L599
> But in summary, if you are compiling a single file, don't do it =
> yourself,
> let fltk-config figure it out for you:
>       fltk-config --compile my_file.cxx
> That way, the "right" libs should get pulled in...
> To find out what the "right" libs are, try:
>      fltk-config --ldstaticflags
> And see what gets listed. I'd guess something like...
> /path/to/libfltk.a -lXext -lXft -lfontconfig -lXinerama -lpthread -ldl =
> -lm -lX11
> The kickers there, at least in terms of font handling, are Xft and =
> fontconfig.
> Xinerama probably won't matter much, and pthreads and dl you will need =
> once your
> code becomes more complex, though probably not for the sample code you =
> are testing
> right now!
> Thanks so much Ian!
I will read up and let you know how it goes.  BTW, I am hoping to write
music applications.  Does fltk have any music fonts or libraries dealing with 
music notation?


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