> BTW, I am hoping to write music applications.

Music applications? You mean like Finale and Sibelius? Or something else?

> Does fltk have any music fonts or libraries
> dealing with music notation?

No, fltk does not have helper libs for, well, anything really; the L in fltk 
means (allegedly!) "Light", which means not carrying around libs that are not 

It is a pretty low-level. You can do all these things, you might have to do a 
little more work yourself, or integrate some 3rd-party libs to help, for any 
functions you need.
But the fltk is not going to "hold your hand" much as you go beyond the core 

Now, assuming you are talking about something like Sibelius, then I'd start by 
cautioning that may be better looking at some of the options already in that 
space; Musescore, Rosegarden, Lilypond, etc...

Now, (disclosure time) I actually did write a music score app, for a charity 
here that uses music therapy in their work with children and disabled adults, 
and they wanted their own proprietary music scoring tool. (It is proprietary, 
so the source is not available.) Scoring music is trickier than it looks...

Aside: If you consider writing software as a journey, then if the *destination* 
is more important to you than the journey itself, I'd strongly advocate getting 
involved in Musescore and see if you can turn that to your needs. It's a good 
bit of work, and quite flexible, and they have a usable plug-in system for 
custom behaviours.

If the *journey* itself is what you are interested in then, yes, go for it and 
write your own. It'll be fun (for certain interpretations of the word "fun" at 
any rate!)

As regards fonts, I'm currently using Musica (version 3.06 IIRC) and I quite 
like it; though there are quite a lot of free music fonts around.

The free fonts have the advantage that they tend to implement the Unicode code 
points for the music glyphs, and also often implement support for non-Western 
and historical symbols.

The fonts that Sibelius use (and I think Finale) have their glyphs in weird, 
non-Unicode places, which is a real pain to work with...

Loading "non-standard" fonts into fltk apps is not painful.
Indeed, in most cases you don't even have to install the font (in OSX you just 
put it in the app bundle, in Windows you use AddFontResourceEx(), and under 
Linux you can do, well, several options actually!)

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