On 02/21/13 18:09, edgar wrote:
>> On 21 Feb 2013, at 20:33, edgar wrote:
>  Hi Ian - that fixed it! Thanks!!! I've been able to compile numerous tests 
> and play around with the font size and style.
>   Here is a different issue:
>   the fltk-config --complile is not finding FL_Box.
>   I typed fltk-config --complile hello.cxx
>   and get an error message .... /hello.cxx:7: undefined reference to 
> 'FL_Box::Fl_Box(int, int, int, int, char const*)'
>   It is finding FL_Window but not FL_Box ...

        Note the casing on the names: the 'l' in Fl_* should be lowercase. ie:
        Fl_Window and Fl_Box,
        ..and not..
        FL_Window and FL_Box.

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