On 22.02.2013 10:44, MacArthur, Ian (Selex ES, UK) wrote:
>>       Thanks for responding, Greg. I made an error writing the report
>> from the compiler.
>>       The code is a copy from the hello.cxx on the fltk.org site.
>>       The compiler statement actually reads :
>>       /hello.cxx:7: undefined reference to 'Fl_Box::Fl_Box(int, int,
>> int, int, char const*)'
> Assuming your code is short, post it here.
> I'm guessing you have forgotten to include the FL/Fl_Box.H header files...

Hmm, the error message is a linker error, so the compiling stage
should have passed successfully. Maybe a library version mix, as
I wrote in my other post?


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