Hi Luis

you need to inform automapper that your base type is EntidadeBase rather
than object, something similar
to below should do the job.

         var autoMapper = AutoPersistenceModel
                    .Where(t => t.Namespace ==
                    .WithConvention(c =>
                                            c.IsBaseType = b => b ==



On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Luis Abreu <lab...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello guys.
> I've got a stupid question regarding the auto mapping functionality. I have
> the following:
>  private static PersistenceModel ObtemAutoConfiguracao()
>        {
>            return
> AutoPersistenceModel.MapEntitiesFromAssemblyOf<Disciplina>()
>                .Where(
>                            type => type == typeof(Disciplina)
>                ) //comecar com disciplina
>                .WithConvention(convention =>
>                                    {
>                                        convention.DefaultLazyLoad = false;
>                                        convention.FindIdentity = field =>
> field.Name == "Id";
>                                        convention.GetTableName = type =>
> String.Concat(type.Name, "s");
>                                        convention.GetVersionColumnName =
> type => "Versao";
>                                        convention.GetPrimaryKeyNameFromType
> = type => String.Concat("Id", type.Name);
>                                    });
>        }
> Now, I'm just trying to run a simple test to check the mapping of a single
> class (Disciplina). I was under the impression that the lambda I've passed
> to the where method should be more than enough for testing only the
> Disciplina class. My problem is that Disciplina inherits from EntidadeBase
> (which defined the Id and Version properties shared by all the entities)
> and
> the autopersistence model insists in generating an insert into
> EntidadeBases
> table when I use the Persistence Specification to test the mappings.
> Can anyone tell me why this happens and how to solve this? Can't I use
> inheritance in my classes and auto mapping? Thanks.
> ---
> Luis Abreu
> >

I-nnovate Software - Bespoke Software Development, uk wirral.

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