Hello again.

One quick thing, it seems at the moment, the property that timestamps must
be called version or timestamp, otherwise you'll have to manually map it.

I tried using Timestamp but then NH tries to use datetime. That's why I'm
using a custom user type and it seems like it's working (at least the
PersistenceSpecification isn't throwing any errors.

So, what I need is to add this from my manual mapping class:

Version(d => d.Versao)
                            new Attributes
                                          {"unsaved-value", "null"},
                                          {"generated", "always"}

So that it is applied to all the types that derive from EntidadeBase class.
I tried this:

var modeloPersistencia =
                type => type == typeof (Disciplina)
                ) //comecar com disciplina
                .WithConvention(convention =>
                                        convention.DefaultLazyLoad = false;
                                        convention.FindIdentity = field =>
field.Name == "Id";
                                        convention.GetTableName = type =>
String.Concat(type.Name, "s");
                                        convention.GetVersionColumnName =
type => "Versao";
= type => String.Concat("Id", type.Name);
                                        convention.IsBaseType = type => type
== typeof (EntidadeBase);
                eb => 
                    eb.Version(d => d.Versao)
                          new Attributes
                                  {"unsaved-value", "null"},
                                  {"generated", "always"}

But by doing this it insists on generating a class definition for



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