Btw James, one more question:


When using the auto persistence, shouldn't  I be able to save the xml to
disk by using the previous code? It's that I get nothing and stopping the
debugger there I see 0 mappings on the persistencemodel






Luis Abreu


[] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: quinta-feira, 8 de Janeiro de 2009 16:27
Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: question on auto mapping


Hello Luis,


I'm away from a machine with Visual Studio on right now, so I don't know how
much help I can be, but lets try to work through your problem.


Firstly, why is it that you're using a IUserType for your version? What is
the type that your version property has in your entity? I ask that because
Fluent NHibernate has a few options for mapping Versions and Timestamps.

*       If you call your property Timestamp and give it a type of TimeSpan,
Fluent NHibernate will automatically map that to a Timestamp.
*       If you call your property Version, and give it a type of int or
long, then it will map it as a Version.

Are any of those possible options for you?


On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Luis Abreu <> wrote:

Btw, one more stupid question. If I have this:

var modeloPersistencia =
                   type => type == typeof (Disciplina)
               ) //comecar com disciplina
               .WithConvention(convention =>
                                       convention.DefaultLazyLoad = false;
                                       convention.FindIdentity = field =>
field.Name == "Id";
                                       convention.GetTableName = type =>
String.Concat(type.Name, "s");
                                       convention.GetVersionColumnName =
type =>  "Versao";
= type => String.Concat("Id", type.Name);
                                       convention.IsBaseType = type => type
== typeof (EntidadeBase);


Shouldn't I get the xml mapping file for class Disciplina on d:? I've tried
and I get nothing there (interestingly, if I add the
modeloPersistencia.ForTypesThatDeriveFro<EntidadeBase> method call then I do
get the xml for EntidadeBase only (which I don't want)...



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