On 4/16/02 3:17 AM, "JJ" wrote:

> I don't know how it should be sorted out but I really
> like this idea!  Put me on that list!


I've still got all the recipes that were submitted for "Fluxlist Cooks"
(ages and ages and ages ago, I'm embarassed to say). Those could be a part
of it....
ME or how about
The Fluxlist Gourmet Companion
Recipes - eg Maciunas Macaroni and Mussel Pie
The favourite meals of the Fluxmasters
Famous Suppers (Alan Bukoff, others in the past)
Scores and events that are food related
Edible art
How To Run A Successful Fluxus Dinner Party
Poems, stories, pictures...


The Fluxus Parrot.  It could be taught to flap its wings furiously and say
"What's all this, then?!" (which might summon Eric Andersen...but I'm just
not sure.)

M Biographies of nonexistent people... sounds like a hoot. If I didn't have
so many things to do that I need to do first, I'd do that. Ah well...

> How about a biography of the fifty most famous artists who shoul
d have been in Fluxus but didn't exist?

I think this could be difficult to do for those who aren't great writers
- i think i would struggle.

BUT  i love the idea and i'd really like to give it a go.  could we draw
pictures as well? eh? eh?

do we have to justify their fluxusness etc?
actually that would be tricky as a fairly sophisticated
knowledge/understanding of fluxus may be neede before we start
spoofing it.
i wonder if we could, collectively, decide on a set of criteria that the
characters have to meet.
e.g.  maciunas' 'fluxus art amusement' manifesto, or other well
know and generally accepted ideas.  this may be limiting but may
avoid problems arising with the 'what is fluxus?', "fluxus doesn't
exist', 'fluxus is this!....No it isn't it's THIS!' camps


slightly less contentious:
> How about a biography of the fifty most famous artists who shoul
d have been ON FLUXLIST but didn't exist?

one of my favourite milligan pomes

>From Sydney Zoo an alligator
Was put on board a flying freighter.
He ate the pilot
And the navigator.
And asked for more with mashed potater


broken down on the information superhighway


> Howza bout the Fluxus Tarot?

waddabowt "the Fluxus Carrot" a story for kids and other young

fluxus tarot - like the fluxdeck only with a risk - if misused you could
summon eric andersen!

(yes! yes! that's for baptising me in the name of the devil! you rotter!
;-)   )

broken down on the information superhighway

Pulled over for weaving.

> How about a biography of the fifty most famous artists who shoul
d have been in Fluxus but didn't exist?

I think this could be difficult to do for those who aren't great writers
- i think i would struggle.

BUT  i love the idea and i'd really like to give it a go.  could we draw
pictures as well? eh? eh?

do we have to justify their fluxusness etc?
actually that would be tricky as a fairly sophisticated
knowledge/understanding of fluxus may be neede before we start
spoofing it.
i wonder if we could, collectively, decide on a set of criteria that the
characters have to meet.
e.g.  maciunas' 'fluxus art amusement' manifesto, or other well
know and generally accepted ideas.  this may be limiting but may
avoid problems arising with the 'what is fluxus?', "fluxus doesn't
exist', 'fluxus is this!....No it isn't it's THIS!' camps


slightly less contentious:
> How about a biography of the fifty most famous artists who shoul
d have been ON FLUXLIST but didn't exist?

one of my favourite milligan pomes

>From Sydney Zoo an alligator1
Was put on board a flying freighter.
He ate the pilot
And the navigator.
And asked for more with mashed potater


broken down on the information superhighway

Howza bout the Fluxus Tarot?  Could we get it together for 78 cards? My
guess is, uh...no. But,we could do the Major Arcana only, this would also
save a lot of discourse on suits (cups, coins, swords, rods).  Or we could
have the discourse, discard the discourse, and STILL only do the Major

Or, we could not.

Over and Out (cold)


I like saints and sinners, or one that's been around a bit lately, seven
deadlies plus seven (noncanonical) virtues--and I mean than one can make up
one's own, not just use the old lists


Yes! The latter! zine as object! Could we get it together intime for a
here in Duluth to accompany the Dick Higgins show that will be at the Tweed
Museum? I'll get back to the list later w/ more on this.


How about a biography of the fifty most famous artists who should have been
in Fluxus but didn't exist?
Meanwhile here's a little Spike poem -
I put ten pence in my piggy bank
To save for a rainy day
It rained the very next morning
Three cheers, hip hip hooray!

what's it like to ride in a hot air balloon

<< with this we may have
 even more free reign >>     anyone wanting free rain, i got plenty up here
seattle way, will send

modern sinners, good

bios, fake and fantasy/real     good, too

fun ideas, keep going

Put away the stop watch.  Now!

perhaps we should only work on it between ten - past seven and
twenty six minutes to eight in the evening?

what about just Fluxlist, perhaps eric might contribute ;-)
seriously though, fluxlist seems to be different for each person i
talk to about it.
i don't necessarily mean a straight "what is fluxlist to me sort of
thing", we could include examples of things inspired by the list, the
problems it's had, interpersonal relationships, kathy's 'bio' idea of
another member (like robin crozier's "portrait of robin crozier". it
could be factual or completely not!  if you know what i mean.  to the
participants, the list plays some part in their life - to be on it, you
have to interact with it in some way - even if it is just hitting the
delete key.
well, it was just an idea.

i'd love to get involved in a book project again (after happy new
ears - it was just a pleasuer to recieve it) with this we may have
even more free reign
but i feel kathy's right - we need a "theme"


I'm hoping you mean a hard copy book and not this Flash wizardry as that
would be far beyond my (extremely) meagre computing skills.

As for themes, howza bout Modern Saints?  Two from my own pantheon would be
Robert Wilson and Spike Milligan.  I don't believe that saints have to be
dead (i.e. Wilson), they just have to be able to play dead (i.e. Wilson).
Or, contrary-wise Modern Sinners?  I love a religious theme, religion is so



NP: Fragile by Wire from Pink Flag

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