Title: Re: FLUXLIST: What is the purpose of Fluxlist?
Oh another thing, unless I’d subscribed to Fluxlist it would never have been brought to my attention that, on the dark side of the planet, there is anything like Weetabix as an alternative to WHEATBIX to go with my VEGAMITE. Thanks folks, and now I have to return to my desperate wallet filllllling, fiiillingggg, ffffillling!!!!

Ray _from  way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server’s up)

On 22/5/04 3:17 AM, "secret fluxus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


We have just read three complete issues of Fluxlist Digest without reading a
single issue, idea, or topic on Fluxus or anything related to it. We read
some poems, some word games about wobbly grinks and vital defects, the
announcement for a video show and something about silly week.

While there is nothing wrong with this, there is nothing interesting or
useful either. This is the kind of material one expects to see on Yahoo mail
art chat lists. We subscribed to Fluxlist hoping for something better.

Is anyone here interested in Fluxus? We subscribed based on the Fluxlist
statement of purpose, but it seems that these purposes do not reflect the
current interests of ist members. We would be interested to know why the
others here subscribe. At risk of launching an uncomfortable discussion, we
want to ask whether others are as unhappy as we are with a list that has
nothing to do with Fluxus.

Secret Fluxus

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