dear secret fluxus

the fluxlist has its moments often from which very interesting
projects/ideas/discussions arise

>want to ask whether others are as unhappy as we are with a list that has
>nothing to do with Fluxus.

i take issue with this.  a common interest in fluxus does not call for
continuous discussion of fluxus, some of the stuff that comes up is as as
near to the origins as fluxus as is possible.  maciunas take on this thing
called fluxus was that it highlighted the unimportance of the artist as
artist - fluxus art amusement was about the fact that the processes involved
in the 'everyday' are as, if not much more important than those involved in
the creation, production and selling of 'art'.

the fluxlist is not always interesting, true but it is a pool of potential
and ideas sharing - this whole wobbly grinks thing, i have found highly
amusing, inspiring on a certain level. it could lead to a textual project
who knows...

i think it's safe to say that everyone on the list has some interest in
fluxus, i have had the great fortune and pleasure to work with (in different
manners) quite a few of the fluxus old guard both in nyc and here in
italy -and believe me one thing they don't spend a lot of time talking about
is fluxus, a lot of time, in my experience, was spent in knockabout banter,
banal conversations, you know 'normal' stuff.
the list gives a wide range of artista from all over the world the chance to
indulge in a little 'fun', like the conversations friends can have after
dinner, in the pub, on the phone - out of which ideas arise, projects form
and we can all take home something - and like banter between friends we
don't alway find something interesting or wish to join in.

if you want to start something a little more 'serious' perhaps you can tell
us about secret fluxus.
i, however, am not always interested in reports of 30 odd year old
performances being re-enacted.  and this goes for secret fluxus and for
'original' fluxus -  i performed the Four-Directional Song of Doubt for Five
Voices  with emmett, alison, ben and i can't remember who else (mr
clavez....who else was there??) and a solo piece at the fluxus constellation
in genova which was an amazing experience for me, hopefully a good one for
the audience but most probably not a good thing to analyse.  emmett's piece
is entertaining but turned into a raspberry fest on the vocal sound part -
fluxus as light entertainment - for the audience to comment on.  my
performance of tomas scmidt's zyklus was for me a meditation piece -
extremely personal and any description i could write would be pointless
i seemed to have digressed..oh yes this fascination with 'fluxus' often
leads to a neglect of current fluxus - are you aware of larry miller's
current stuff, what ay-o is up to etc - quite probably, few of us are - i
don't think that this is that good really.

i owe quite a lot to fluxus in certain ways - fluxus has been important in
the development of  certain areas of my work, (then again so has my dad and
spike milligan) and i'm still trying to define it - (this is a recurrent
discussion topic, perhaps you'd like to contibute ideas?) however constant
discussion, in my experience can get in the way of the spirit of things.  to
say that fluxlist has nothing to do with fluxus shows (imho!) a gross
misunderstanding of fluxus itself - fluxlist is not Fluxus, however it is a
meeting place for people who have a common interest, it is not always an
interesting place, but on occasion great things happen.  it is not always
about regurgitating the past but often about working with influence of past
events to create something current.

if secret fluxus is bored with the list why doesn't seret fluxus contibute
something?  this 'complaint' is valid and has provoked responses, it will
blow over and be forgotten what next?  what do you want to talk

p.s. bowman is in the "return to sender" show at Waygood (the site is crap! but i am doing some email music
pieces  contact the gallery to be included - do it properly guys!  i could
just send you the instructions, but i want it to come via the waygood postal
room event, i'm just funny that way!
the 3 pieces are:

FFFO RTS PRW (sim-phoney)(2004)

You (2004)

Date of Birth (Musical Version, 2004)

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