dear fluxsters and others:

yummy. I love when we flux our muscles and engage. secretfluxus has made an
observation and asks the question "what is the purpose(of us)?" Madawg
answered that we are actually engaging in  a manner which fits or perhaps
fulfills the criteria of Fluxus a la Ken Friedman.
I occasionally wonder about the purpose of a great many things. I usually
wave the question off like a peskery fly. But, in the end, it seems always a
good question to ask.

My own purpose of being on, and occasionally participating in Fluxlist began
when I found some fluxus in my basement. That occasion led me in several
directions at once.
(Note--one direction which the basement fluxus led me was to host a show
this weekend which was cancelled--a long story which I'll get to)
I was thrilled to find this site which has led me to so many others. Not
only have I benefited from the occasional secretfluxus post in regard to
history or some clarification but I have also benefited from Madawg's
brightestspirit inklings and observations. I marvel at John Bennet, learn
from all the ALL-ins (Allen, Allan, Alan, Alain, Al and...), I have worried
about Ray way out on the edge, and have laughed hysterically, and therefore
have gained some enlightenment, from the A-1 Waste Paper co..

By the way, straying from one's purpose can happen as easily as it did this
morning. I woke early with the purpose of accomplishing many chores. I
fetched the newspaper, sat down and saw images which are so emotionally
charged for me that I just became catatonic for awhile and then went back to
bed. The insane violence taking place in Iraq by ignorant and therefore evil
American's is a matter too urgent and out of control to ignore. I send out
emails, join move on, write rants and try to turn them into poetry. I lay in
bed and think of jumping up and driving around town painting all the
stopsigns to read: "Stop the Evil!". I think I can email everyone I know and
have them email everyone they know and so on until all the stop signs in
America read "Stop the evil". Then everytime anyone stops they have to be
reminded of purpose, of original purposes. Of course at first I thought I
should paint, "stop the war," but ostensibly the war is over. What continues
is madness. What continues are the symptoms of ignorance, and therefore,
evil. One Iraqi response offered a beheading.

So, as you can see, we all get distracted from our purpose, no? What ever
did happen to those WMDs that were the "original purpose" of this war?

I imagine there is a truism which tells us that it behooves us to revisit,
redefine and generally question purpose, but I can't think of one.

As I examine my purpose of being on Fluxlist, indeed, I find ulterior
motives. I want something. Since landing here rather serendipitously I have
determined that I want to attract an infusionof fluxus energy to The
Buttonwood Tree. The Buttonwood Tree grew out of Ibis Books and Gallery in
1989 in Middletown CT. It is a non-profit, community-based center for the
arts. Over the past 15 years it has continued to grow and change into
different things. Changes have occurred rather naturally and spontaneously,
with one change superceding another. Currently we are morphing again by
adding new venues. New funding streams are being sought in an effort to
welcome more cutting-edge, high-tech, and unusual presentations.

So you see, I have selfish motives here too.

By the way, one of The Buttonwood projects on the back burner is a
recreation of the fluxus portal, which temporarily appeared in my basement.
(It is a long story but I have all the documentation, including pics.) The
portal would be set in one of the floor to ceiling windows at The Buttonwood
Tree on Main St. USA. A large screen would represent the portal and would
show changing images from Fluxus history etc 24 hours per day.

PS. In regard to the show that was cancelled. My apologies to anyone I have
not apologized too yet. Many things caused the postponement of the Birdland
show, most importantly is the barn. The owner of the property wanted to
build another gallery which could accommodate music and performance. Well,
that barn is now very large and four stories high and still unfinished. Now
there is talk of creating more parking & etc...anyway--future possibilities
look like they could be juicy. I received a beautiful card from Yoko Ono,
I'll put it in a show.

Back to the purpose of things. What is the purpose of a conker? It is always
a mystery to unravel

Thank you if you have read this far.

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