---Many thanks Kathy for useful bit of info. hoping
it will do the trick. Michael

 Kathy Forer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > you wrote:
> > I seem to have come to an impass in the story as
> it
> > says "message truncated" at trhe bottom and I cant
> > find the bit I want to add too? How does one get
> > around this?
> I'm just guessing here that it's only in the reply
> part that you can't see
> the story, but I'm on the case. You seem to be using
> Yahoo Mail.
> Try this: Click on"Mail Options."
> Go to "General Preferences" in middle column.
> Near the bottom, select "Include full original
> message when replying."
> Instead of default "Include part of the original
> message when replying."
> While you're there, maybe, change screen width from
> 55 to 72 (or 74).
> That way the messages won't wrap line by line and
> get all 
> funny-looking.
> Hope that helps you and other yahoos, Kathy

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