In my opinion, any unsold artworks are assets that have not yet been converted to cash or other comodities. Then there are copyright, reproduction incomes possible. So I don't have any expiration dates on any artworks by me. Everybody else in almost every other field considers the ongoing value of their efforts. Why artists do not value what they do is a mystery to me and if one does not value his one work then -of course - it is hard to consider expending effort in creating a market for it. But hey, all the better for me, less glut in the market. But to be sure, the more artists needing and seeking a market, the more a market develops. Maybe we need to joinly do a campaigne encouraging people to buy more art products. You know like the milk industry. Got Art? Fluxus artists should not be encouraging the average idiot to make his own art we should be encouraging the average idiot to buy our art at low cost 'popular' prices. Sell them art kits in a box! Why not? We should all develop a fluxbooth and send each other fluxjunk to sell to Johnny Q Public; unlimited editions of stuff. unlimited collections of stuff! Stuff, stuff everywhere. That was one of the original impulses of fluxus wasn't it?

A buddy invited me to go to a "by invitation only" Peter Max exhibition yesterday here in fort worth. It was a hoot. Peter Max has about a dozen roadees that set up a constantly traveling carnaval of Peter Max art junk ranging in price from about 2,000.00 to 20,000.00 or so. 40 exhibitions a year! He's doing the Thomas Kincade thing of making lithos and then slopping some details on them and selling them as "mixed media" original art. Then there he is, a guy that looks like Ben Stiller's dad, talking to 'collectors'. Meanwhile the roadees are working the crowd trying to catch that impulse buyer overcome by the proximity to pop fame.  There are some little paintings on canvas and some on paper, all framed and the peter max book. When you start looking at it everything, he's got about 10 or 15 images that he paints over and over again without too much variation. It is kind of like a fluxus artist performing the same 15 scores over and over again. things like: Paint a sunset, Make a Print of that sunset, Paint on the print of the sunset,  repeat above with an angel, a guy with an umbrella, etc. Frame everything in black, sell for uncomfortably high prices. only respond to potential marks with statements like, "You should buy it becuase you love it", "You shouldn't buy art for investment but for the love of it", "How much can you afford?",  "That's my favorite one too", etc. It was wild.


Rod Stasick wrote:
Returning to Cecil...

The physical dependance drives me cRaZy - mostly with music - 
my mind telling me that there's more than enuf sound on the web and the non-physical elsewhere to keep my fascinations ringing for the eternities after the honeymoon, but as stuff goes out the back door in almost trapezoid strictness, the squall-fed label profiteers paratroop onto my front lawn and queue up at the front, BUT, it soon becomes "0"s and "1"s - same with words, documents, and bits of detritus found in the garden (like this old "Pop Rocks" wrapper - both sides):

They become jumping off points for higher elements of creative work,
but not necessarily in physical form.

So, the question really becomes: To you, how important is the physicality of artwork - that you need to have it around you? It seems to me that these large scale works can't really be turned into "0"s and "1"s (except thru documentation, I suppose). 

Do those of you who create physical artworks on a larger scale
(canvas, sculpture) have the problem of having too much creat(ed/ive) work. around the studio? Yes, of course, you want to sell stuff, but what of the stuff that you can't sell? Is there a "past-it's-sell-by-date" at some time where it's documented then discarded?


Now playing:  Agitation Free - Sahara City

On 1427 Rabiʻ I 18, at 8:37 AM, Cecil Touchon wrote:

Book 2 - #100 - 9/24/2004 11:07 AM

An Intelligence so Intriguing Everyone Listens

So, a few days ago,
I came to the conclusion
I simply have too much stuff
and need to rid myself of it at thoroughly discounted prices.

I am consumed with collecting
highly difficult to find pieces [of text]
Needless to say, I was doing my best
[to have a workable set]
but I do not know how likely that is.
I am simply foolishly excited over the prospect
[of providing] you with some entertainment.::Bows::

I realized, a tad too late,
I spent almost my entire paycheck on
Small [poetic] imperfections which fill me with shame.

Another little tidbit that might be amusing…
on Tuesday night,
shut off the inane chattering of your mind for a moment
give it the old college try.
[Don't worry if your] not learned in such things.

I knew I had forgotten something;
a more involving plot
I was not even aware of this rule!
um, opps.
so much for that experiment eh?
I have tried several different things
nothing has worked of yet.
Oh fiddlesticks,
does anyone have any advice for poor me?

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