O the Mark Twain Trio is wonderful! It is good they weren't swept away.

On 4/22/06 3:04 PM, "Kathy Forer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Apr 22, 2006, at 1:28 PM, Allan Revich wrote:
>> I remember when I was 20 or 21 I took a whole series, maybe more
>> that a
>> dozen paintings, each 4 feet by four feet, and burned them in the
>> family
>> fireplace. It felt good and I have never regretted it.
> There felt something vengeful about my act. Maybe spiteful. Confused
> and angry. There was catharsis, but then it was as though it had
> never happened, what was the point? Attention directed away from the
> stuff to the stuff-maker, objects annulled, repudiated, renounced (in
> Cecil's act) formally and publicly. But immediate regret, I had been
> attached to said objects made when I was all of ten, but special,
> hadn't really wanted to destroy them, just to no longer consider them
> as important.
> I made these same time, but they didn't get swept away. I'm glad they
> didn't.
> http://kforer.com/gallery/?album=figurative_narrative&img=6
> It could be that I've pursued only archaeology since that first
> regret, or it could be that's the basis of what I do, make, destroy,
> extract narrative, recreate.

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