My love for paper objects writing paintings documents ephemera antique letters scrawls on matchbook covers ruminations in the margins books and books and books knows no bounds
I respond to you from the opposite side of the chasm where all the detritus palimpsest debris lost pages documents forgotten lay in heaps around me
I love your techno digital color sound brilliance energy mathematics science magic soundwaveparticle string tapping waterwitching sunparticle new frontier display echo
But fer now I'm so happy in me heaps-- I jus cain't hep it
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Book 2 - #100 - 9/24/2004 11:07 AM

Returning to Cecil...

The physical dependance drives me cRaZy - mostly with music - 
my mind telling me that there's more than enuf sound on the web and the non-physical elsewhere to keep my fascinations ringing for the eternities after the honeymoon, but as stuff goes out the back door in almost trapezoid strictness, the squall-fed label profiteers paratroop onto my front lawn and queue up at the front, BUT, it soon becomes "0"s and "1"s - same with words, documents, and bits of detritus found in the garden (like this old "Pop Rocks" wrapper - both sides):

They become jumping off points for higher elements of creative work,
but not necessarily in physical form.

So, the question really becomes: To you, how important is the physicality of artwork - that you need to have it around you? It seems to me that these large scale works can't really be turned into "0"s and "1"s (except thru documentation, I suppose). 

Do those of you who create physical artworks on a larger scale
(canvas, sculpture) have the problem of having too much creat(ed/ive) work. around the studio? Yes, of course, you want to sell stuff, but what of the stuff that you can't sell? Is there a "past-it's-sell-by-date" at some time where it's documented then discarded?


Now playing:  Agitation Free - Sahara City

On 1427 Rabiʻ I 18, at 8:37 AM, Cecil Touchon wrote:

Book 2 - #100 - 9/24/2004 11:07 AM

An Intelligence so Intriguing Everyone Listens

So, a few days ago,
I came to the conclusion
I simply have too much stuff
and need to rid myself of it at thoroughly discounted prices.

I am consumed with collecting
highly difficult to find pieces [of text]
Needless to say, I was doing my best
[to have a workable set]
but I do not know how likely that is.
I am simply foolishly excited over the prospect
[of providing] you with some entertainment.::Bows::

I realized, a tad too late,
I spent almost my entire paycheck on
Small [poetic] imperfections which fill me with shame.

Another little tidbit that might be amusing…
on Tuesday night,
shut off the inane chattering of your mind for a moment
give it the old college try.
[Don't worry if your] not learned in such things.

I knew I had forgotten something;
a more involving plot
I was not even aware of this rule!
um, opps.
so much for that experiment eh?
I have tried several different things
nothing has worked of yet.
Oh fiddlesticks,
does anyone have any advice for poor me?

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