On 23 Feb 2002, Christophe Zwecker wrote:

> hmm I tried that, but bash with params isnt accepted, I tried with " or
> ' 's dont work either. Man bash gives rbash as possible alternative, but
> I havent found it anywhere, I use bash2.0.5 rh rpm.

Without access to your machine :), I cant say what is the exact reason
but why dont you try the following steps:

1. Is bash2 present on your system? (whereis bash2  should do the trick)
        -> If it exists, is it executable? 

2. Does an entry for bash2 exist in /etc/shells? (cat /etc/shells should
show an entry for /bin/bash2)

        -> If there is no entry, manually add /bin/bash2 to your
3. Once you have done all that, add a user whose shell is /bin/bash2 -r
to your password file. You dont need to give quotes etc for this. I have
tried it out on Mandrake 8.1, RHL 6.2 onwards and it works.

Please let me know how it goes for you... but remember if it is not
properly configured an experienced user can easily break out of a
restricted shell. Look for documents on setting up a rbash on google. 

Will mail you later if you need help. Try and avoid allowing programs
like pine, vim, lynx etc as they can be used to break out of shells.


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